Varun Dhawan, a Bollywood actor, has invested an unknown sum in Fast&Up. He gravitates towards Fast&Up for the quality clean nutrition it makes and provides to people all around the world, as part of a common mission of Health First-India First.
This investment came shortly after Fast&Up received $22 million in Series C funding from Morgan Stanley Private Equity Asia.
Fast&Up wants to expand its objective of providing high-quality nutrition to a larger number of people by improving production capabilities and expanding abroad. The company has been spending heavily in product research in order to establish itself as a leading longevity-focused everyday nutrition brand, with plans to expand into new categories.
Commenting on the association, Vijayaraghavan Venugopal, CEO & Co-Founder Fast&Up said, “We are excited to welcome Varun to our Fast&Up family with his interest lying in the fitness sector. We have him as our Good Vibes Officer and love the energy he brings to the brand; we are very happy with this partnership being further strengthened with his investment in Fast&Up. His alignment will help accelerate the brand foray into the Indian consumers who want to be active with intelligent nutrition.”